招收2018年第二学期或2019年第一学期入学软件工程,人工智能方向博士生。 有意向的硕士或者本科同学请联系Dr. Yulei Sui (https://yuleisui.github.io)。Email: yulei.sui@uts.edu.au. 学校介绍:澳大利亚悉尼科技大学(UTS)座落于风景优美的悉尼市中心,毗邻darling harbour,中国城,悉尼歌剧院。UTS是世界知名研究学府,计算机和信息技术是整个学校的重点发展方向。 在QS 2017全球50个最年轻大学(建校50年内)中 UTS排名全澳洲第一。QS 2017计算机全球排名top 100. AWRU 2017全球计算机排名top 50。在最近的2018年Times计算机排名,UTS 排名澳洲第二,全球83位(https://www.timeshighereducation.com/world-university-rankings/2018/subject-ranking/computer-science#!/page/0/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_order/asc/cols/stats)。 Software Engineering and Artificial Intelligence PhD positions available at University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Australia UTS is a world-leading university of technology (ranked 1st in Australia and 8th globally in the QS Top 50 under 50 index of newer universities and is five star rated in QS). UTS Computer Science ranked among the top 100 universities by QS 2018 globally (https://www.topuniversities.com/university-rankings/university-subject-rankings/2018/computer-science-information-systems), and No. 48 world-wide based on Shanghai JiaoTong University’s academic rankings in 2017. In 2018 Times World University Rankings of computer science, UTS ranked 2nd in Australia and 83 globally The Centre for Artificial Intelligence (CAI), as one of the priority research Centres of UTS, is a world-leading research hub for artificial intelligence. We have 1-2 PhD positions openining for outstanding candidates for 3.5 years. The ideal candidate will be based in CAI to conduct her/his research in one of the following topics: (1) Machine-learning based software security analysis, (2) Fundamental static program analysis to improve software security and reliability, (3) Data-driven program analysis for mobile malware analysis, (4) Program analysis through information retrieval, (5) Software analytics, mining software repository The PhD student will be supervised under Dr. Yulei Sui (http://yuleisui.github.io/). The stipend of the scholarship is $27,083 per annum (tax exempt) for 3.5 years, plus travel funds for attending conferences. The qualified candidate will also receive a tuition-fee waiver. We are looking for self-motivated candidates who meet the following requirements: * a bachelor's or master's degree in the area of Computer Science or related discipline with outstanding grades. * evidence of research ability - e.g. an honours thesis, a minor thesis, publication(s), and a well-developed preliminary research proposal, developed under the guidance of the supervisor; * strong programming skills in one of C/C++, Java and Python. * background in software engineering and programming skills HOW TO APPLY Detailed application steps can be found at https://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/research-degrees/applying-uts/how-apply To apply for the scholarships, you must complete an application consisting of: * A brief (2-4 pages) research proposal outlining your interest and suitability for the project; * A detailed curriculum vitae with publications (if applicable); * Undergraduate and/or master transcripts; * All applicants, domestic and international, must meet the English Language entry requirements (https://www.uts.edu.au/future-students/international/essential-information/entry-requirements/english-language) to be considered for unconditional admission and the scholarship. * Recommendation letters from at least one referee. If you are already a PhD student studying China, India and Korea, you may also wish to apply for UTS Dual Degrees program with scholarships supported from UTS (You can obtain two degrees in both UTS and one of our Key Technology Partners). Please refer to https://www.uts.edu.au/research-and-teaching/research-degrees/explore-uts-research-degrees/benefits-research-degree-0. The positions are open until filled. Please submit the application documents to Dr. Yulei Sui: yulei.sui@uts.edu.au.